Replies to Msg. #1225781
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
43694 Re: The Failing Ukraine Counteroffensive And It's UGLY Aftermath
   More pro-Russian propaganda, Fiz? Last I checked, Ukraine was adva...
Zimbler0   6TH POPE   21 Jun 2023
6:43 PM
43692 Re: The Failing Ukraine Counteroffensive And It's UGLY Aftermath
   [b][color=blue]WW3 STARTED when US created a proxy war in Ukraine.[/co...
ribit   6TH POPE   21 Jun 2023
6:03 PM
43691 Re: The Failing Ukraine Counteroffensive And It's UGLY Aftermath
   When I look around the world for ANY half-decent country which has bot...
Fiz   6TH POPE   21 Jun 2023
6:01 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

The Failing Ukraine Counteroffensive And It's UGLY Aftermath

By: Fiz in 6TH POPE
Wed, 21 Jun 23 3:19 PM
Msg. 43689 of 58523
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I said it at the beginning, I've said it at multiple points in the middle, and I say it again: WW3 STARTED when US created a proxy war in Ukraine. Further the US LOST WW3 as soon as its weaponizations of USD/SWIFT failed and countries around the world began moving away from USD as reserve currency.

NeoCons weren't bright enough to figure that one out, because they think only kinetically, although it was as obvious as the nose on a face, to anyone with a strategic perspective. And a better knowledge of history would have helped, gobs, also.

As long as Russia can fund new weapons with its oil, and limit its loss of soldiers as it has been doing, it is in NO danger of economic nor moral exhaustion. Russia has been through far worse, and the US "sanctions" since 2014 HELPED prepare it. 2014? Yeah, WHEN THE US TOPPLED THE UKRAINE LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT (to the extent any govt can be legitimate in a moral cesspool), and installed a puppet government. Russia had 8 years "heads up", at least, to prepare for "sanctions".

Russia+BRICS can continue this, if necessary for ten, twenty years, or longer. The entire 100 year+ "shun" from the West has hardened Russia to autarky, quite effectively.

Meanwhile, everyone knows Ukraine would be on life support within days, if not hours, if the US EVER stops giving it blood transfusions. And everyone knows the US is dying - even as it continues to spill out its remaining blood in wastelands across the globe. And WHERE IS THE US GETTING ITS BLOOD FROM? Good question. From US citizens and Ukraine citizens.

So, time is very much on Russia's side. The US military is impotent in this scenario. Maybe all scenarios, now that "Woke" is official policy.


"The Failing Ukraine Counteroffensive & The Peace That Could Have Been
Tyler Durden's Photo
by Tyler Durden
Wednesday, Jun 21, 2023 - 02:00 AM

It's safe to say that if the Ukrainian counteroffensive was currently making significant gains, everyone would know about it. Not only would mainstream media headlines feature celebratory daily news of any big gains on the ground, but it would not be the case that the question of how Ukraine is fairing would actually be slipping from the headlines (as it is now), no longer a prime focus in public discourse.

David Sachs has observed of the current state of the counteroffensive that, "With each passing day, it’s becoming clear that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is failing to achieve any of its originally stated objectives." At the same time escalation between Russia and NATO grows by the day, seemingly with no off-ramp, now also with tactical nukes stationed in Belarus.