CTJ: VERY interesting. THANK YOU for the ongoing posts on this story.
I didn't expect this, although I have long wondered about the lose cannon "Chef Warrior" (Shades of Segal) and how they could leave him be, once he started opening his mouth out in the field.
Wise people should not be too quick to celebrate. Tumult in countries where the US has meddled, in recent years, tends to make the situation worse...not better and not more US friendly. In this case, Putin has long been the cool and rational head in the house. And Russia has LOTS of nukes, arguably better than the US.
And the Chef Warrior is NOT a friend of the US. Personally, the best outcome for the US is if Putin wins this skirmish and retains FIRM control. This might motivate him to approach peace talks in a way more favorable to what "Biden" wants. I'm not sure if the latter is actually better for mankind, I doubt it, but it might buy us time on the world stage.