This is the other part of my reply which I excised because it meandered too much. I was going to trashcan it, but I will post it instead in case it amuses anyone:
"That was the only point I was trying to make. Some on this board seemed to be concerned that I might be a climate alarmist. I am not.
But to say, ipso facto, there is NO man-made global warming", as some attempt to claim, is ... well, not very thoughtful, to be super polite.
There MUST be man-made global warming. How much and what, if anything, to do about it, are other questions which government meddling has now made more difficult to answer.
Anyway, basic physics/chemistry say that all spontaneous chemical reactions are "endothermic"; they release net energy into the environment, usually or eventually, as heat.
From there a whole series of questions ensue, of course, what damage, if any. What mechanisms are there to maintain homeostasis in the system. Etc. I don't know. THANKS TO THE GOVERNMENT MEDDLING in the scientific process nobody can possibly know, IMO.
Based on how the deep state and other elites are ACTING, with their "global warming" wars, private airplanes, and buying coastal properties, they don't personally take it very seriously. Why should anyone else? So, I don't worry about "global warming" AT ALL.