Replies to Msg. #1226993
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44353 Re: Biden Orders Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty.

So we are closing out an age that is described in scripture..

Ribs is 78. I am a little behind him.. If a person has their name written in the Lamb's Book of Life, they will not see death.. They will reign with Christ for eternity.. But we will worship HIM for all He has done for us and we will have jobs and some will be rulers of cities. So what we DO here on earth for Christ is recorded and THAT is what will be the criterion for what we will do in HIS Heaven for the rest of eternity..

A few people actually believe the scriptures while MOST do not. Its been that way since Noah's day so nothing has changed. The most important thing for those whose names are written down in the Lamb's Book of Life is to be ready for that day...

And so my life will continue and if I die and go to heaven or am raptured with the rest of the believers, I will be in Heaven praising God and worshipping Christ..

It's a pretty good thing to look forward to... IMO...