I would definitely not be caught without being armed out in public or on my own land.
...they would toss you in jail if ya happened to harm one of them Good Boys.
...that brings us to all the fuss about Jason Aldean new song "Try that in a small town.
What is the meaning of Jason Aldean’s “Try That In A Small Town” lyrics?
The powers that be (Including Country Music Bigwigs) are opposed to the song. Won't play it. Removed it from the charts. Why ya might ask. As King, I anticipated that. They cannot be opposed to the alleged violence because they just love the violence in rap music. What they are opposed to is the "RESISTANCE" to violence and crime. Can't be anything else.
...and now I am off to debauche a couple of concubines after a bowl of grits.
Liberals are like a "Slinky". Totally useless, but somehow ya can't help but smile when you see one tumble down a flight of stairs!