Good morning De!
I was traveling all day yesterday in the SUV with my brother on business. Had an urgent issue at a manufacturing plant in Cleveland so we left at 6:00 a.m. and stayed there until it was resolved, then went another 60 miles to another client and from there returned home.
I am glad he was with me and relieved me from driving on way back but he is really old school trogladite who refuses to use the cruise control and let the vehicle just go at constant speed.. Drives me crazy...
The good news was that I was able to recline fully and take a nap on way back as I was exhausted and am still trying to regain stamina.
It ended well.
As for the beautiful artwork, I was thinking that an art museum would be very interested in that rare drawing piece of art from that well known artist.
An Art Museum would be the ideal place unless there is a private collector who would love to have it all to themselves..
Just a thought.....
Great purchase De.