You forgot to mention Marxist beliefs they hold as well as the egotistic idea they have in common that they are superior to everyone else..
They have no clue what it means to desire to be in the background and almost invisible so one can lead a peaceable and quiet life with their spouse and family and not have everything be all about "me". Loving their neighbors as themselves NEVER enters into their thoughts or living.
It's tragic that all credit is not given tot he One who blessed them and they are too blind to see that by themselves they would have nothing..
I do not know why God chooses to bless certain people who have very high opinions of themselves and believe they are at the top of world leadership food chains.
This will all be sorted out in the end and the vast majority of these one world population reducers and egotists will see face to face with God the Father just how puny they truly are..
As Solomon said There is nothing NEW under the Sun today or yesterday that has not been done already.
And that was a very long time ago I might add.
He also stated that the whole duty of every man, woman, child is to please God.. That is why we are here. He does not require us or just can;t live without us.
He wants to fellowship with us and bless us in so many ways and all He asks in return is our faithfulness and thanksgiving and praise. Then we can spend an eternity with HIM .
Pretty good choice He has given all of us..
Leftist or right wing crazies are virtually the same egotists and depraved people with no knowledge of and true belief and faith in the living God. I fear for them when they face HIM and have their rightful sentence pronounced at the Great White Throne.
Billy Gates and company will discover then how wrong he was..