Yes you are right about that.
Your name had better be in the Lamb's Book of Life or you are not gaining entrance.
That is different from The Book of Life which has every name of everyone including those killed in the womb written in it..
Those innocents will also be in Heaven only grown up.
I am looking forward to seeing Christ in all His glory and thanking Him for his Unspeakable GIFT of Salvation He made possible for us all.
Many in that Day shall say Lord, Lord, Have I not done many good things in my life in your name. Jesus will reply, depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire. I never knew you.
Many folks think that because they walked into a Church building or auditorium that it makes them a Christian.
Its a false assumption as going into one's garage does not make you an automobile either... Many will be surprised when they stand befor HIM...