Hi Zim!
I took time to read thoroughly and also to devour what miz micro prepared for dinner this afternoon.
So, I don't quite agree with all the things the author had to say about Christians because he tends to lump large groups of people into that category and really has no idea of what a real Christian (Follower of Christ) not in words but also seen by their actions, truly is.
For example, lots of people will sometime feel like going inside a Church and sitting for about an hour and gone after that. They won't return that day and is questionable whether they return the following week. The Word Christian means to be like Christ or Christ Like.
We pray for those who have done wrong to us and forgive them. We are to emulate Jesus in our daily living as best we can in these mortal bodies. We are not perfect and admit to that. Fortunately we have an advocate with the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ..Who pleads our case for us with God and says to The Father, I died for them and my blood that was shed is sufficient for the forgiveness of their sins.
Christians will be taken out of this world before it gets really messed over by the globalists. The Rapture will indeed happen and that day is almost here..
We are to be prepared for that event to happen.
As for uprisings, ain't gonna happen with the believers.
Christ could have spoken and killed all His captors and freed Himself but he chose not to. He has the power of creation of all life and the Universe in Him. He did not have to go to the Cross. He chose to in order to provide a sacrifice that was acceptable to God the Father for our sins that HE would accept. The divine blood of Christ is and was the only sacrifice that is sufficient as a blood offering to God on behalf of all of mankind for those who call upon HIS name for forgiveness of sin and salvation of their souls.
We are told NOT to raise up in arms against those who are in authority but rather to pray for them and bring our requests to HIM and HE will deal with it..
SO , NO, I do not believe that there would be a real uprising of believers against the government. Yes I believe these things that a few who are power hungry would do and that groups of people would rise up in rebellion to fight but I also know that the Scriptures teach before that happens, the RAPTURE of the Church will take place.
Because I went into my garage where my car is parked does not make me an automobile anymore than someone who walks into a Church building is automatically a Christian.
The author left out the most important aspect which is
FAITH in Christ.
"For by GRACE are we SAVED THROUGH FAITH, and not of ourselves. It is the GIFT of GOD, not of works, lest any man should boast."
The author is right that today believers reject the murder of babies and all the other sinful things that people do and the gubmint aids and abets.
Those are all actions of SINFUL, UNREGENERATED people who are NOT led by the Holy Spirit which resides in every true believer.
One can tell if someone's claims are legit or not by simply being a FRUIT Inspector because Jesus told us that "by their works we shall know them". It's what they do and if it aligns with God's Word and teaching that reveals their true nature.
I do not see any mass Christian uprising going to war or anything like that happening as the Rapture of GOD'S people will occur before things turn ugly.. And that time is coming quicker than we imagine imo.
I don't know if I Answered your question or not Zim but this is how I see it and tens of thousand of others.
Thank you for asking my opinion! I am honored..