I am so glad not to be left out especially by an our over- heated drowning in sweat Reb...
I prefer cold to hot because of the simple reason that if I am too hot I can only get down to bare skin inside but not outside.. If its cold I can always put on another layer and stay toasty...
I'm also one of the few who actually enjoys driving in snow. I don't know why but I do.
That igloo looks like it could be pretty comfy inside with a nice warm fire going..
Sire, ya wouldn't know how to act putting your trash out to the curb and not watching it get swarmed over by fire ants or having lizards running around.. Kentucky or Tennessee would have better climate for ya and still be in the south..
I would move farther north but miz micro won't go.. Besides, Michigan is one of them nobody's fault insurance states. So already its a screwed up place in addition to being democrat run.. I can't go north to there.
Guess I'll just stay put and grow old here..