Replies to Msg. #1230063
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
45706 Re: In Memory of Those who paid the ultimate price on this day
   ...let us not forget that the attacks of 9/11 were so hideous and insi...
ribit   6TH POPE   11 Sep 2023
7:26 PM
45702 Re: In Memory of Those who paid the ultimate price on this day
   [color=blue][b]An excellent post, micro! Its entirety was in praise o...
Beldin   6TH POPE   11 Sep 2023
6:01 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

In Memory of Those who paid the ultimate price on this day

By: micro in 6TH POPE
Mon, 11 Sep 23 4:59 PM
Msg. 45701 of 60014
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Today is September 11

a day that should live in both INFAMY but also as a day to celebrate American resilience and bravery and courage..

To ALL those ran toward the danger to help others and gave no thought of their own lives, THANK YOU and your families for the sacrifice you made to help others.

To those brave people on that flight that the passengers took down the terrorists in Pennsylvania to prevent them from crashing that Jet into another target, may the Lord God of Heaven give you great joy and fill your hearts with gladness in heaven knowing you gave your lives for friends you did not know..

To me, this was the greatest act of heroism and bravery displayed by civilians ever. The uniformed people like the firemen and police and first responders all deserve our gratitude and prayers and thanksgiving also.

I cannot imagine or even comprehend that kind of bravery or selflessness. The Lord Can and has taken every one of those people to HIS dwelling place in Heaven and provide their every need as well as give them all a brand new body that looks just like them only it will never grow old..

My thanks to the families who lost their husbands and wives and sons and daughters trying to help others..

Our gratitude for your sacrifices is never ending..

God bless those American heroes who stepped up to the adversity and gave everything to help fellow Americans.

I salute you.