what happens next? A new Speaker to be elected to replace McCarthy?
Matt Gaetz is a spoiled petulant child who doesn't like when he does not get his own way.. Almost nobody else on the R side of the aisle voted to remover McCarthy. Gaetz gave the DEMS the perfect opportunity to OUST the Speaker and they did..
So who will become the next Speaker? The morons who elected Gaetz need to replace that turd with the itty bitty feelings he harbors iffen he don't get his own way..
I am NOT a big McCarthy fan or even a small one, but I don't think this should have happened. The vast majority of Repugnicans disagreed with Gaetz on changing speakers.
This was absurdly bad and to me demonstrates disunity and accord.. I hope Gaetz gets primaried in his state.. He is a disgrace....