Replies to Msg. #1231586
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46531 Re: De question please
   Lucky you. Getting to wear that (hang around yer neck) monitor. I did...
micro   6TH POPE   09 Oct 2023
10:21 PM
46530 Re: De question please

Re: “Have you reached the stage yet where you no longer take blood thinners and can use some Advil or Aleve for a pain killer?”
Our situations are different. I'll be on warfarin/Coumadin (anticoagulant) and aspirin (antiplatelet) drugs for the rest of my life. It's not all negative. My family has a history of strokes, so my meds may have an ancillary benefit. It depends on whether my father and sister died from clots or from plaque. I don't know the answer so I may be wrong about warfarin's silver lining.

Unlike Eliquis, it's pretty easy to overdose on warfarin and bleed to death. Rat poison is usually warfarin. Warfarin therefore forces me to monitor my clotting levels - called "International Normalised Ratio" for some dumb reason. And it keeps me from being able to eat most of the things on the "heart friendly" diet. No spinach... no kale... no broccoli... no collard greens... unless the quantities of them that I eat are extremely consistent, and that's hard to do. I'm not that disciplined, so I pretty much avoid the healthiest vegetables.

And you're right about the pain killers. Except for the "baby aspirin" I take every morning, I'm not supposed to use pain killers.
Re: “I just wondered if your team has wanted you to do stress tests as well.”No. Unless I develop new symptoms, it'll probably be a long time before I have another stress test or even another echocardiogram. I have a lot of creakiness in my ribcage - and it's uncomfortable, but they replaced my valve before it caused substantial damage. My heart is in good shape and the mechanical valve has a MTBF of 100 years!

That said, I just told my cardiologist that if my left arm is bent while I sleep, I get a fluttering sensation in my torso. He wants to make sure it's not arrhythmia, so there's a heart monitor coming my way. I'll have to wear it for a week.


Gold is $1,581/oz today. When it hits $2,000, it will be up 26.5%. Let's see how long that takes. - De 3/11/2013 - ANSWER: 7 Years, 5 Months