Replies to Msg. #1232825
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47153 Re: There is so, SO much stupidity and ignorance out there about firearms - especially among libtards
   [i]Re: "Grenade launcher," REALLY?! That's almost as ridicul...
Riana   6TH POPE   02 Nov 2023
2:30 AM
47150 Re: There is so, SO much stupidity and ignorance out there about firearms - especially among libtards
   SO obviously and obliviously clueless about. Everyone will begin to think she is a Democrat. 

Gretchen Carlson Says 'Ordinary People' Didn't Have AR-15s Before 2004

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In replying to a video by Ben Shapiro, journalist Gretchen Carlson noted that "ordinary people" didn't even have AR-15s before 2004. They're a "recent mistake" that we could fix ... she doesn't specify how, exactly, but we'd assume it involves confiscating them all.

Gretchen Carlson (@GretchenCarlson) ~ Ordinary people didn’t have AR-15s before 2004. They’re not some time-honored American tradition, they’re a recent mistake that we could fix and save thousands of lives in the process.
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Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) ~ No, I Won’t Give Up My AR-15.
Video ~

Enter Community Notes: “ For more than a half-century, the AR-15 has been popular among gun owners, widely available in gun stores and, for many years, even appeared in the Sears catalog.”

Where'd she get 2004? From the lapse of the assault weapons ban?

Yes, it would appear that Gretchen got tripped up by the lapse of the so-called "assault weapons ban" in 2004 (The Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use Protection Act signed into law by Billy Jeff Clinton on September 13, 1994). This act did absolutely nothing about the estimated 1.5 million "assault weapons" privately owned by American citizens at the time the "ban" went into place ... or the "high-capacity magazines" already owned by Americans at the time. The definition of the law's so-called "assault weapon" designation was any semi-automatic rifle able to accept detachable magazines with 2 or more of the following: (1) folding or telescoping stock, (2) pistol grip, (3) bayonet mount, (4) flash hider or threaded barrel designed to accommodate one, or (5) grenade launcher. This did not hinder the manufacture or sale of AR-15s much because there were MANY exceptions and you would just go with a fixed stock and no flash hider, bayonet mount, or grenade launcher. "Grenade launcher," REALLY?! That's almost as ridiculous as the "chainsaw bayonet attachment" dreamt up in the fevered craniums of Democrats!

Notwithstanding the so-called "assault weapons ban," Gretchen's central premise was seriously flawed in the first place, of course. Millions of AR-15s have been legally in the hands of American citizens for well over 50 years, now, and they are no "mistake" ... crimes committed with ARs are infinitesimally small. In all likelihood, more ARs have been used by American citizens to defend themselves against criminal attacks than have been used by criminals.

Many had thoughts about Gretchen's obvious ignorance ... 

Chris Loesch (@ChrisLoesch) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} You are so wrong on this, not only wrong but rudely wrong. Being ignorant to this degree is no longer an excuse, Gretchen. Do better.

Me (@Keefer1958 ) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} Isn't it embarrassing for you when you try to be an expert on a topic, then it turns out you have NO CLUE what you're talking about?

You could have done 30 seconds of research to find out when the AR-15 was first offered for public sale.

Code of Vets™ (@codeofvets) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} Uh, What?!? You do not know what you are talking about. Sit this one out Gretchen. Many of us have owned AR-15s. Trained with them.

My name is Gretchen Smith. And I am an American woman and veteran who has experience with firearms. Where are your dogtags?

JWF (@JammieWF) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} Nonsense. You literally don't know what you're talking about.

Physics Geek (@physicsgeek) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} There are things called search engines. Perhaps you should learn to use one so that you don't completely embarrass yourself again. But, if public humiliation is your thing, then please continue.

DANGER: DISINFORMATION (@RetiredCrimeDog) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} Yes we did. I purchased my first one around 1989 when I was 19 from a pawn shop ... that had dozens on display. But, I don’t own one because it looks like a “cool gun.” I own one because I enjoy target shooting and I can put 30 rounds in magazines & shoot w/o having to reload each round.

Fred Seiltgen (@Fritz8822) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} 1963!
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Law of Self Defense (@LawSelfDefense) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} "Ordinary people didn’t have AR-15s before 2004."

Even if true -- and it's not -- that means an ENTIRE GENERATION of Americans have grown up owning MILLIONS of AR-15s ... statistically NONE of which have been used in violent crime.

Thanks for NOT making YOUR POINT.

LEO Mike (@mpfive0) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} Not true, I bought my first AR when I was 19 in 1985. I had many friends who had them, too.

Mac Junior (@MacJuni67714073) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} My Dad bought two AR-15s in '67. My high school speech class final was on how to field strip an AR. Yes, I brought an AR to school.

Mr.MunkyMeat-Pro-Ranked Cat Masseur (@MunkyMeat) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} You can tell a lot about the integrity of a person by how quickly they are to acknowledge their mistakes and correct them. The fact that she has made no effort in light of being demonstrably wrong, tells you all you need to know about her character and trustworthiness.

BUT, the BEST response of all belongs to the following poster ... 

“American Obscenity” Bang Switch Actuator (@BangSwitch5000) ~ {Replying to @GretchenCarlson} Women couldn't vote before 1920. Women voting is not some time-honored American tradition, it's a recent mistake that we could fix and save thousands of lives in the process.

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The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted. ~ D.H. Lawrence