I was not surprised by the results of that election.
It was not held on a national election day and so the voter turnout of older people was way down.. The young and godless voted for this crap and it is my hope that one day they they will all stand before God and explain to HIM why they chose to go against HIS direct commandment found in HIS Word.
I would not want to be any of these godless heathen at that time.
But that is the way of these times and age we live in currently.
Less than 7% of people in America read the Bible.
That is a stat from a poll.
If one does not know what is in it they just do what comes naurally to them.
We read in scripture "so as in the days of Noah".
How were the days of Noah?
Same as today.. Sexual perversions and riotous daily living. No worship of God. Yet Noag spoke faithfully to these same people to try to get some to turn from their wickedness and trurn to God.
Like today also, they chose darkness over light and so all perished in the Judgment of God in the flood. Except for Noah and his family..
These days are described as being very similar to the days toward the very end of this period of time in Scripture. There is no thought of God or keeping of HIS commands. It is a worldly view and a fleshly view. If it feels good fo for it. Don't obey God's Words which have been preserved ever since they were given... That in itself should be astonishing to most..
But it isn't.
So, it appears to me that an election held here only ever goes the right way if it is held at a normal election day because the older folks turn out then but generally don't any other time.. So the college age kiddies on campuses and young generations go vote for something like this thinking that the commercials they saw were accurate.
Well, as usual they weren't and they lied. But mush heads cannot bother to find out the truth.
So Miz Micro and I both are disappointed with people in Ohio who voted for this Godless bill.
I do not wish anyone to endure eternal wrath in Hell but in this case I might be willing to make an exception...
Killing of innocent babies is not something our GOD is going to take lightly.. This is where reading the scriptures and knowing what HE SAYS about things comes in. Of course all the idiots who voted for t his have not a single clue because none of them read their Bibles daily..
We found out yesterday that the majority of people here do not care one whit about what the Bible says or the Lord God said and preserved His own Word ever since he spake and revealed them thru Holy Men of Old.. (also known as prophets, Preachers, Priests, Pastors )
So now ya know how we see it. Nobody in our church voted in favor of this Godless legislation.. And there are over 2,000 in our Church..
Okay. I am done...