Replies to Msg. #1234416
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48051 Re: Question For the Board...

I'm not so sure about that.

1.) If the goal is to 'subvert' the United States and force it's economy to enrich 'them' . . They won't want their 'troops' killing the golden goose, so to speak. So a well armed populace could conceivably scorch that plan.

2.) If the goal is to wipe out the populace, and say, replace them with Chinese . . . Well, there is a LOT of landscape in America where American Hunters could hide out and kill lots of invaders.

And when you say "Constitution's overseers are failures" . . . You are talking about the lying thieving traitorous treasonous demo-rat party are you not? (If so I would whole-heartedly agree with you.)



Mad Poet Strikes Again.