Thanks for the reminder of those contributions.
One of the things that remains a battle for me is Memory.
Doctor keeps telling me it will get better but I am wondering if so, when? I really do have trouble remembering things and unless I write something down I will usually forget it.
So, yes sir, I did forget about the Leopard Tanks. Are they as good as the Abrams ? I suspect they may well be because of where they are made.. German engineering and quality is renowned.
I am not sure how we would become a puppet domain of Putin's. How does that scenario play out?
Putin dies not dare to think about it because both nation's would suffer heavily from the launch of the nuclear missiles to very specific critical targets..
Somehow I suspect that President Reagan was not joking about space defenses either. Commonly referred to as "star wars". YA can destroy a lot of flying thingies with a well aimed Laser.
As for Obozo and Brandon, the Theft twins, I think the current congress will deal with the Biden Crime family but an invstigation does need to happen into Obonzo but due to the political nature of the FBI being a democrat reliable agency, it likely ain't ever gonna happen.
IF the Presidency does change hands next election, I would fire every person working in lots of agencies.
Otherwise one can never trust the partisan crap they will provide.
IMO, most of the people in these places need to be in prison on Gitmo or some other really isolated place.
They are as responsible for the destruction of our Constituional Republic as anybody. They SHOULD be tried for TREASON as far as I am concerned.
I know its a pipe dream but I can enjoy it just thinking about it.
Thanks for that update and correction ! I know you stay on top of this stuff so I appreciate your edification!
Have a GREAT Day !