Mr. Micro,
I don't believe you recognize the nature of the problem with the denizens of the Pffffft board.
I'm not going to vouch for the intelligence, or lack thereof, of said denizens.
What I am going to say is that they have this un-healthy ability coupled with a very strong desire to believe what they want to believe and no amount of evidence or reason is going to change their minds.
I've seen them in action.
Clo will absolutely believe whatever she wants to - and will endlessly recite her belief like a mantra to enforce her belief.
OCU will chip away at the truth till what is left is something he can fervently believe in. And he will chip his way into absurdity if that is what it takes.
ZZ? He finds ways to 'think' an article says what he wants it to say instead of actually reading it to see what it really said.
King Ribit, What can you tell me about Weco?
Mad Poet Strikes Again. |