yes indeed sir wizard BUTTTTTTT
from different causes... Biden has always been on the wrong side of everything in his entire career so he is consistent. He's always consistently been stupid. And a braggart and someone who thinks far more of himself than what his words, deeds, actions demonstrate.. So he is a Bad clown..
I always thought Carter was the worst President ever but not anyone. Somebody far dumber and radical finally came along and took that title in a hurry.
Jimmy is nice and so is Rosalyn. I don;t know how someone who has faith and reads the scriptures could ever be a democrat politically as they go against almost everything found in scripture..
Its something I am NEVER going to understand UNLESS they are believers in name only and not really Christians.
The Lord warned us about those kind in scripture when he said "Many will say unto me in that day "Lord, have we not done many good things in your name?" And then the Lords answered, depart from me into everlasting fire ye cursed for I NEVER KNEW YOU.
There are a lot of pretenders on the outside but the Lord SEES the HEART condition. We cannot fool him. We may fool lots of people by being a pretender but we do not fool The Lord.
Its always a great idea to do a internal examination of one's own heart condition to make sure you do not get left behind..