wouldn't it be interesting to be able to just follow the money that is sent free of charge to Ukraine government?
I suspect it is likely on the same level off following money to certain politicians in office who just seemingly can't understand that bribery is illegal all the time and that they are compromised when they participate in that illegal activity. Meaning basically that if ya is on the "take" then ya are worthless as a representative of the American people because you are beholding to those whom you took money from illegally..
There are politicians who are squeaky clean but a lot who are not... ONE is TOO many...
The whole den of vipers needs to be removed and a fresh start with a limited office term should be high on a priority list imo.
I think jail sentences are in order for several if not many.. Kindly use the same cell as Jeffrey Epstein..
Let's see if the Clinton crome syndicate shows up again..