These perverts play against women because they get the crap beat out of them when they compete against male athletes who are real athletes.
My oldest daughter played Volleyball for the University of Cincinnati women's team and while there were some very tall females who were athletic there were ZERO men pretending to be a female..
And, Riley Gaines is absolutely right. IF a queer attacks my daughter physically or tries to injure her on a court or off a court, it would not take long for that fag to realize the error of his ways..
THIS is one sick society allowing men to pretend they are women and play in women's sports. The moral values of this country have just declined to those in the days of NOAH when the same perversions were done openly and GOD told Noah to go warn them and speak to them about what GOD says about their immorality.
Athletics are healthy and good for people. Albeit men playing against men and real females playing real females. GOD created MALE and Female.
He did not create any other gender and has not changed HIS mind either. He calls these perversions an "abomination" and has condemned them.
SO, when people willingly and willfully do things against their maker and creator, who has in HIS power to destroy both BODY and SOUL, they will be dealt with on an eternal level that was not meant for people but Satan and his demons will be there with them tormenting them 24/7 fpr eternity.
Just some food for them to give some thought to.