Replies to Msg. #1239005
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50978 Re: Facists and Commies (Marxists) .... Tweedle-dee - Tweedle-Dumber
   Excellent post and history lesson Professor! We should have some...
micro   6TH POPE   09 Mar 2024
3:31 PM
50968 Re: Facists and Commies (Marxists) .... Tweedle-dee - Tweedle-Dumber
Beldin   6TH POPE   08 Mar 2024
11:28 PM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Facists and Commies (Marxists) .... Tweedle-dee - Tweedle-Dumber

By: monkeytrots in 6TH POPE
Fri, 08 Mar 24 10:14 PM
Msg. 50967 of 58582
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Anybody remember the 'invasion' of the Neo-Cons from RB ?
They attempted to reek havoc on this board, till we actually banned them. They were definite 'right wingers

After a recent gratuitous swipe at 'Conservative Christians' on this board, referring to them as 'right wingers', I feel some edumication might be in order.

As was stated to those neo-cons there is NO DIFFEREN E between right wingers and leftist nutjjobs.

IE. There is no difference between FASCISTS and COMMIES.

Even their economic theories are identical. BOTH support state-run economies, just as the current DNS (demokrautic national socialists). The only subtle diff twixt the two is one does it thru GOVERNMENT REGULATION and one thru direct GOVETNMENT OWNERSHIP. Superficial difference - both achieve the same goal - complete government ownership of the economy and how it is run. Both are FACIST (der. fasces - rule with a big stick (ie. fasces+. B0th HATE CHRISTIANS who leave 'ruling' up to G_d ALONE.

So PLEASE DO NOT REFER TO CONSEVATICES as 'right' wihg. We are not. We believe in (very) limited government - call us 'anti-statism' at the worst. One of the HUGE mistakes the Israelites made was when they asked G_d for a 'king' instead of having G_d Himself ruling them directly. Well, they got it - and usually ended up with corrupt tyrants of their own making. Just like today. Carefyl what you axes furr. Surprised Surprised Surprised

Anywhose below is an excerpt from a decent article on the current FASCIST government in the SSA (socialist states of America) today.

FROM the 'Assassination Dog Whistle' article - tail end ... of article omitted - but worth reading ....

Look at everything fascists like Barnicle and Scarborough have done to stop Trump… Years of hoaxes about colluding with Russia, dozens of phony criminal charges in a half-dozen states…

This is not your father’s Democrat party. This is the party of BillAyersBarryObamaAntifaBLM–the party that defunds the police, preys on your children, and turns a thug like this into a CNN folk hero.

When you compare a presidential candidate to Hitler, you are telling the country that assassination is a heroic, noble, urgent, necessary, and patriotic act, just like those gallant men who climbed Pointe du Hoc.

Think about it…

Who stopped Hitler?

Okay, it was mostly Stalin, but in the popular imagination, it is The Greatest Generation. We lionize the Greatest Generation, and rightfully so. But to compare D-Day to the campaign against Trump is to communicate that murdering Trump makes you as heroic as the Greatest Generation.

There’s nothing subtle about any of this, just as there wasn’t anything subtle about it during the last go-round.



Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...