Replies to Msg. #1239436
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
51188 Re: ChatGPT Wrote a Play!
   isn't there somewhere where Stacy roll on top of Ribit and crushes him...
micro   6TH POPE   18 Mar 2024
2:47 AM
51186 Re: ChatGPT Wrote a Sonnet!
This took chat GPT about two seconds to write.

Title: "Froggy Romance: Ribit and the Southern Belle"

[The stage is set in a quaint southern town, complete with a charming porch and rocking chairs. Ribit, a plucky frog with a thick southern accent, sits on the porch, sipping sweet tea and fanning himself with a lily pad. Enter Stacey, a larger-than-life politician weighing 300 pounds, bustling with energy.]

Ribit: Well, howdy there, Miss Stacey! Ain't you a sight for sore eyes.

Stacey: [With a hearty laugh] Why, thank you, Ribit! It's good to see you too.

[Stacey settles into the rocking chair beside Ribit, causing it to creak under her weight.]

Ribit: [Chuckling] You sure do know how to make an entrance, Miss Stacey. Care for some sweet tea?

Stacey: [Grinning] Don't mind if I do, Ribit. It's hotter than a firecracker out here today.

[Ribit pours Stacey a glass of sweet tea, his heart aflutter at her presence.]

Ribit: So, what brings a fine lady like yourself to these parts?

Stacey: [Taking a sip of tea] Just passing through on my campaign trail. Figured I'd stop by and say hello.

[Ribit's eyes light up with excitement.]

Ribit: Well, I'm mighty glad you did, Miss Stacey. Say, you ever been to a froggin' contest?

Stacey: [Curiously] Can't say that I have, Ribit. What's a froggin' contest?

Ribit: [Grinning mischievously] Oh, it's just a little ol' competition we have 'round these parts. Folks catch frogs and see who can holler "ribit" the loudest!

[Stacey laughs heartily, her booming voice echoing through the porch.]

Stacey: Sounds like a hoot and a holler, Ribit! Count me in.

[Ribit's heart flutters with excitement as they make plans for the froggin' contest. As they chat and share stories, Ribit finds himself falling head over heels for Stacey's larger-than-life personality.]

Ribit: [Nervously] Say, Miss Stacey, there's somethin' I've been meanin' to ask ya.

Stacey: [Encouragingly] Well, don't keep me in suspense, Ribit. Spit it out!

Ribit: [Taking a deep breath] Would you... consider goin' on a date with me?

[Stacey's eyes widen in surprise, but then she breaks into a wide grin.]

Stacey: [Beaming] Why, Ribit, I'd be delighted to go on a date with you!

[Ribit's heart leaps with joy as they share a warm embrace, the porch rocking chair squeaking under Stacey's weight.]

[As they make plans for their date, the sounds of laughter and joy fill the air, proving that love knows no bounds in this quirky southern town.]

[End of play.]