Agreed. People would do well to remember where Putin came from and what he was before and still is a murderous bastid. Biden has managed to run down the Military so its a great time for Pooty Poot to flex a little bit with China as his ally..
Tell Biden he needs to suck up a little more to ole XI XI Ping Pong. Maybe he could arrange lessons in Chinese for Joey.. I am sure Hunter would be given a prominent position in a Chinese regime new government...
I wonder if THIS is why The UNited States is NOT found in the BIBLE and yet China and Russia and IRAN all are.. That in itself does not look promising for this country which is destroying itself from the inside out due to nothing but plain old fashioned SIN.. Sin will take a country or a person farther than they wanted to go and cost them more than they could afford to pay..
SO many examples to look at. Oh well. I won't be here so I don't need to worry about it but we are now looking for a MAN who is an eloquent speaker and personality that would be semi-trusted by all these nations and HE will become the supreme leader of all governments in a united worldwide body. And people will trust this person because he is well known and can lie to your face with a smile.. (Bill Gates as an example)
The RAPTURE of the Children of GOD will take place.. As told by the scriptures.
This old world is coming to a close and the United States is not even mentioned in The Bible. But our enemies are.
Maybe this is why we are being over run at the NORTH and SOUTH borders? Stranger things have happened.
Just looking at the world events and seeing how they align with Scriptures this morning. Looks pretty much spot on..