Micro, IMO Kevin was doing a very good job. Jim Jordan would get my vote, but it won't happen with 30% of House Repugnicans NOT being 'conservative'.
What happens if two (or more) Republicams are absent ANY day that a vote might be taken ?
What disturbs me the most is that this is another MAJOR DISTRACTION for the public away from the corruption probes that are currently going on.
I call this a MAJORLY STUPID move on ALL counts, no matter how many conservatives 'feel' about the matter.
And as you know, I AM truly a Constitutional conservative and strongly prefer a house and senate that are unable to overcome their constipation and 'get things done'. The less they 'do', the better.
Take a listen to the Mark Levin of 3/23/24. He says it far more cogently than I.
BTW: There's a doco coming out on General Flynn.
He is even more feared by the deep state than DJT - and his removal was the sole reason that DJT was impeached twice. Flynn would have stopped all that bs dead in it's tracks.
I hold MIKE PENCE directly responsible, followed by Bolton for BOTH impeachments. I said that PENCE lied at the time when Flynn was fired, here on this board.
Turns out that was EXACTLY correct. I look forward to that doco. Mike Flynn was genuinely one the very good guys, extremely knowledgeable, capable in the extreme and totally honest. A very rare combo, an exceptional General, both publicly and privately. He dared to confront OFuhrer with TRUTH, and the left hated him for it, and wanted him hung.
Mike Pence was and is a mealy mouthed deep state puppet.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...