Replies to Msg. #1240409
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51831 Re: A Blessed Easter Everyone !
   Micro, a very gracious reply from you. Thank you. Yes, Jesus fulfil...
monkeytrots   6TH POPE   01 Apr 2024
7:29 PM
51825 Re: A Blessed Easter Everyone !

It is amazing to me and never gets old reading the descriptions we have Heaven in scripture. I have many family members already there including two brothers in Law, BOTH Vietnam Vets as well. 101st Airborne.

I agree 100 percent about Repentence being a WORK of God the Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit that CONVICTS and leads us unto repentence. And salvations IS ALL OF GOD and NONE of MAN. It is specifically of the Lord Jesus Christ.. WHo loved us and GAVE HIMSELF for us, and shed HIS BLOOD for our sins ("for without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin").

DO You know WHY Christ had to taste death for every man UPON a Roman Cross? WHY a cross? They could have just executed him . BUT as we know, GOD was in control and in charge of this.

The Scriptures state that 'Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree". HE became the scapegoat of scripture for all mankind forever.. Substitutionary death is what a scapegoat represents.

I would enjoy being with you in person Professor. We have a lot in common and it is rare to be able to talk with someone on a higher level.

I appreciate YOUR takes and insights professor.

Glad you shared them! Very Happy Thumbs Up