Dementia Joe doesn't know a whole lot of words.
"NO" is just one of them.. He is a prime example of what a dementia does. They believe they are always right in what they do or say because their memory is failing.
In Biden's case, he's been a serial liar and a congenital liar for all his life so this all comes as natural from decades of practicing.. When ya combine all that prior lying and believing you are always smarter than everyone else, with the delusional effects of Dementia, you have someone who believes they are the KING or Emperor instead of just a President who does not possess unlimited authority and has two other co-equal branches of government to keep him in line...
These have been and continue to be the most scary times for this country having a dementia patient in charge of the country.
I do not understand why he either cannot or SHOULD NOT be removed from office as he is a clear and present danger to the country and he is not really running it which is another illegality in itself..
Nobody elected OBOZO to a third term.. SO he should be investigated also...