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Re: Why liberals make life so ugly

By: micro in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 15 Apr 24 9:28 PM | 31 view(s)
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Msg. 52434 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 52429 by Beldin)

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it doth appear that the people that live around her could be spared from having to look at her ugly face so there is an upside... Perhaps if she were to wear a heavy brown bag over it the danger could be lessened of people actually seeing it and freaking out....

WHAT IF seems to be the legend made up nonsense is all about.. Maybe. Could be. Might.. Possibly.

Nobody with 20-20 vision would want to get a good look at that face anyway so she has nothing to fret about!

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: Why liberals make life so ugly
By: Beldin
Mon, 15 Apr 24 8:02 PM
Msg. 52429 of 60014

Reflective of your post, De ... a Canadian libtard woman is getting seriously laughed at on X/Twitter, right now, because her whole outlook on life is that she is a potential victim of other people's freedoms. So, naturally, what is her libtard solution? Yep ... you guessed it ... put Big Government's boot on everyone's neck and press down hard ... and make everybody miserable ... just like she so willfully is. 

Sue Huff (@suehuff) ~ I'm 5'4". This truck, parked in Stony Plain, would make contact with the middle of my face, if it hit me. Why do they need to be so big and why aren't we more worried about human safety?
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Sue appears to be aptly named ... 'cuz she's certainly in a huff. 

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Maybe she shouldn't cross the road in front of a truck? Just spitballin'. ...

Is Sue the New KAREN? Short, 'Huffy' Canadian Woman RAGES About Tall Trucks annnd All X Can Do Is LAUGH

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