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Re: What I think Israel ought to do

By: De_Composed in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Fri, 19 Apr 24 6:21 AM | 26 view(s)
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Msg. 52521 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 52519 by Zimbler0)

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Israel has its "Iron Dome" missile defense. Iran has something even better. It works by using thousands of circus cannons to create an impenetrable barrier of women and children above key target areas.

Israel is going to be so embarrassed tomorrow!

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The above is a reply to the following message:
What I think Israel ought to do
By: Zimbler0
Fri, 19 Apr 24 5:53 AM
Msg. 52519 of 60014

Every other night whack another iranian nuclear site.

Sink the joke iran calls a 'Navy' and destroy their air force on the ground.

Destroy iran's missile and drone production and research facilities.

If the 'united nations' or 'united states' tries to stop them tell the world : "Look. If you clowns had deterred iranian terrorist activities and nuclear ambitions we wouldn't have this problem. You failed to stop a never-ending rain of iranian produced rockets from gaza, hezbollah, the houthis etc. etc. launched at Israel. One way or another this will stop."

Next would come a list of demands.

1.) Iran must undeniably and in all languages recognize Israeli's right to exist.

2.) ALL iranian operatives from all over the must return to iran.

3.) Everybody who thinks they are a gazan also moves to iran.

4.) West Bank must also undeniably recognize Israel's right to exist. ALL terror attacks from West Bank must stop.

5.) Hezbollah must also move to iran.

6.) Iran may have a lightly armed coast guard. They may not have any modern jet fighters.

7.) Iran will have no missiles. No missile production facilities. No drones and no drone production facilities.

If iran fails to meet ALL of these demands and the united nations fails to ensure and enforce these demands the bombing of iran will resume.


For as long as I've been around I've been reading about the non-stop rocket attacks from gaza, hezbollah and other 'state sponsored terrorists - and these organizations have been funded and armed by iran.

This Sh!t needs to stop.

Gaza commits what looks like the worst human rights abuses this century (so far) and gaza and biden and the u.n. demand an 'Israeli cease fire' . . .

iran launches a massive missile and drone attack upon Israel and biden and the u.n. want Israel to 'stand down' . . . 'do not retaliate' . . .

Frakk this Sh!t. If iran manages to cause massive Israeli casualties . . . Nuke em till they glow.


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