wellonce again,
it is time to correct this dear so called 'Bishop" on his erroneous understanding of Scripture.
I suppose HE has never read or heard about RIGHTEOUS ANGER.
There are plenty of examples of it throughout the Bible and even the LORD HIMSELF talked about it..
There are RIGHT THINGS to be ANGRY about especially if they go against GOD's WORD and INSTRUCTIONS found in scripture.
A RENEGADE thieving and lying President falls into the category of people being righteously upset or angry toward.
It's called "Righteous Indignation" which basically means that We are correct and view something the same way GOD sees it.
Leaders are to be held at a much higher level of accountability by GOD than non-leaders. You find this in scriptures also.. Leaders in the Church as well as in Government..
SO the dear Bishop is apparently IGNORANT of Scriptural teaching and words.
My suggestion to him would be to get a GOOD BIBLE closest to the original Greek and Hebrew texts, (that would be a 1611 KING JAMES edition) and then take the time to actually READ Through it with emphasis wilth Paul's teachings on LEADERS and RULERS. Kings were Rulers in His days.. Presidents are rulers.
Now, he may feel in his conscience he should not have said that and its okay for HIM to ask God for grace and forgiveness, but to act like that is something horrible for the people to think or say is preposterous.
When someone does stupid things continuously it is fair to say that they ACT stupidly.. More specifically they are stupid..
STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES. Your actions always show what is inside of you.. So be careful what comes out of your mouth or the actions you take because they reveal what is inside you....
More people agree with the statement he is apologizing for as being factual because Biden is certainly not capable of himself in HIS CONDITION of thinking normally , which was bad enough when he could..
There are bad people in the world, and Biden has been one of them trying to pretend like he was a good guy and something he never was..
He will be shocked when he stands before God and God plays HIS life back for Him to see. ALL the bead t hings he thought were secret will be revealed and he will know nothing was nor is HIDDEN from the eyes of GOD. Everything is recorded in books on everyone. Yes there are BOOKS in Heaven and all of us have one. SO there are NO SECRETS.. God KNOWS IT ALL and SEES it ALL.
If more of us keep that in mind I wonder how much different society might be?
And yes, I admit to being far from perfect as I do get angry and mad. Most of the time Righteously but on occasion in the flesh..
SO, I wish these folks from the Church which Kept the Wors of GOD hidden from the People for centuries and only after Martin Luther had to rebel for what was right and call them out did we ever get the scriptures out to the masses for all to read what GOD actually said and not what they were told by someone who wanted to stay in power and control the people.. THOSE were the DARK AGES.
GOD is the LIGHT of The WORLD. WHEN HE is kept HIDDEN the world becomes DARK. That is why we had the DARK Ages.
SO enough of my mind running this morning.
Apologies for the length but this so called Leader in the Catholic organization need not apologize for stating
2. The Truth