Good morning De!!
That wouldn't be CVS pharmacy would it?
They own AETNA which I use for my Medicare supplement plan and it is very good and very friendly. They paid for my wife and I Both to get a new pair of Athletic shoes of our choice up to $900.00 or anything else we needed.
So we both bought new shoes that are very good and have mailed the receipt to Aetna for reimbursement..
I don't know about a medical supply of theirs other than CVS. In addition to this, we also get I believe its $120. every three months to get a gigantic list of everyday items from their CVS store.. EACH of us gets that. I have more stuff stored in our closet that I could start my own store.
I am sorry to hear that you are dealing with medical mental midgets at that store. I would consider reporting them to the national HQ of that chain.. Its not publicity that they want and likely someone will get the message to them.. Just a thought...
So feel free to tell them unless they are a licensed cardiologist and surgeon who is extensively familiar with your condition and case, BUTT OUT.
I would... and I don't believe you are bashful. Patient but everyone has limits and they are standing on the only remaining nerve you have left..