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Re: WHOOPSIES: Emory University Professor Who Was Tackled by Police Confesses to Assaulting Officer

By: micro in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (0)
Mon, 29 Apr 24 4:35 PM | 33 view(s)
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Msg. 52760 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 52752 by Beldin)

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well this presents another little factoid that author of this article apparently doesn't know.

Here's his quote:

We didn't go to Harvard Law School or anything, but we're pretty sure that counts as a confession. 

There are plenty of extremely good law schools in this country that are as good or better than HAAVAHARD.

My own daughter beat all those IVY League over rated Law students in a national competition when she was in LAW School at the Lowly George Wythe College of Law at William and Mary in Virginia.

None of them are cheap to attend. It cost me 80 grand a year for her to go there.

There may have been a time centuries ago that Yale and Harvard were actually good, decent, moral institutions where students were there to learn The LAWS and the profession.

That has long changed. U of Michigan has a great Law School as well.

The moral of the story is that there are plenty of NUT JOBS and people with much higher opinions of themselves than ought to be.

In the immortal words of Forrest Gump, "stupid IS as stupid DOES.

THAT Professor is just plain STOOOPID. and believes she is privileged.. Guess she found out the hard way...

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The above is a reply to the following message:
WHOOPSIES: Emory University Professor Who Was Tackled by Police Confesses to Assaulting Officer
By: Beldin
Sun, 28 Apr 24 2:59 PM
Msg. 52752 of 60014


We have written a lot about the antisemitic protests around America's college campuses in the past few weeks. The videos have been pretty disturbing, watching students at our 'elite' universities like Harvard, Columbia, and NYU harass, intimidate, and sometimes even attack Jewish students. Fortunately, some colleges have said, 'ENOUGH,' but not nearly enough of them.

As abhorrent as these protesters are, the students, not to put too fine a point on it, are by and large ignorant ... as students tend to be (while thinking that they know everything).

What is FAR worse is the professors and staff at the schools who are engaging in this anti-Semitic hate. These are grown adults, who absolutely should know better. We're not sure if they are all true believers, or just pining for the salad days of the counterculture 60s, but their behavior has been disgraceful.

One such 'educator' this week was Emory University professor Caroline Fohlin. A video of Fohlin being manhandled by police went viral on Twitter, mainly because people are fed up with treating these horrible people with kid gloves but also because Fohlin hilariously screamed 'BUT I AM A PROFESSOR' during the incident.

Jason Rantz on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) ~ "I am a professor of economics!!!" doesn't get you out of being arrested, lady. Now that's white privilege, yeah?
Video ~ http://twitter.com/i/status/1783858180457464223

Obviously, the pro-Hamas accounts on Twitter used the incident to claim 'POLICE BRUTALITY. RRREEEEEEE.' Except they leave out the part where the officer calmly tried to get Fohlin to comply and only wrestled her to the ground when she repeatedly refused to do so ('professor privilege' ain't what she thought it was, it would appear).

The story got even better this morning, though. A new video of Fohlin came up on Twitter, post-arrest, where she publicly admitted to having assaulted the officer before he got physical with her. Watch:

Heidi Bachram (@HeidiBachram) ~ Here’s that Professor of Economics who was arrested at Emory university and everyone seems to think is some poor victim of police repression. Caroline Fohlin ADMITS she hit a police officer on the head. Even professors are not allowed to assault cops. Yes, even professors.
Video ~ http://twitter.com/i/status/1784149052310860262

Oops, Caroline. BIG oops.

We didn't go to Harvard Law School or anything, but we're pretty sure that counts as a confession.

AG (@AGHamilton29) ~ “Hit him on the head very lightly.”

I don’t know where these people get such a level of entitlement, but you can’t obstruct cops attempting an arrest and you definitely can’t hit them. Her arrest was very justified.

'Very lightly.' Uh-huh. Suuuure, you did.

Nice try, Karen. 

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Karol Markowicz (@karol) ~ I believe the kids call this "white privilege," right? Thinking you can "impulsively," "lightly," hit a police officer on the head and not be arrested?

We wonder how privileged her face felt when the officer was making it kiss grass and concrete.

J.R. Holmsted (@JHolmsted) ~ “I impulsively hit him on the head very lightly to get his attention.” Ma’am, that’s literally assault.

To borrow a phrase from the movie True Romance, she must have thought it was 'White Liberal Professor Day.'

It was NOT, it turns out, 'White Liberal Professor Day.'

Ari Fleischer (@AriFleischer) ~ First they wanted to defund the police. Now, they just want to be able to hit the police on the head lightly.

The Alan Sanders Show (@AlanJSanders) ~ So, in her mind, "lightly" assaulting an officer and then resisting arrest is totally acceptable. This is the delusion that happens when people lose all ability for logic and reason.

They only live inside their bubble, where they can do whatever they want if their 'cause' is justified.

And it never stops being hilarious when reality bursts their bubble. Because reality always wins in the end.

Casey (@CaseyHarsh) ~
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She also deserves whatever happens to her in court. And to lose her job. As the Miranda warning goes ...

CoJack 3🇺🇸🇬🇧🇿🇦🇿🇼 (@Houjoumond) ~ You have a right to remain silent lady, you might consider exercising that right.

Scatbug Redux (@scatbug1) ~ “Everything you say can and will ...”

HAHAHA. This should be an episode of Law & Order: Special Jew Haters Unit.

The Jorster (@jorster) ~
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Paramedic Firefighter (@ParamedicVet) ~ Oops. Her lawyer probably suffered a STEMI just watching this video.

(That's a heart attack to me and you.) Her poor lawyer. She left him or her with nothing but hopefully a plea deal.

Toshiro Grendel (@ToshiroGrendel) ~ Are there any other crimes to which you’d like to admit?

ChuckD (@ChuckD_MSB) ~ This genius "professor" admits she hit a cop on the head and can't believe she got arrested. These are the people who are indoctrinating our children.

Daniel Bordman (@Ranting4Canada) ~ “I assaulted an armed police officer. Why are they arresting me?!?” ~ University professor

There is a reason why the kids are getting dumber.

Our colleges and universities are not bringing their best.

ProudBoomer2 (@Proud_Boomer2) ~ I can’t imagine being a parent and paying for a school with teachers like this.

It costs $60,000 per year to attend Emory University (and that's just tuition, not all the other costs). Think you're getting your money's worth, parents?

UltraMAGA_FJB (DENISE) (@Trimixdiver3) ~ For a “smart” person she’s not very intelligent. That’s called assault and your “entitlement ” doesn’t allow that type of behavior.

And they have the nerve to be baffled about why credentialism is dead.

Econymous Mugwump (@EHPlimsoll1) ~ What kind of country have we become when even professors of economics can be arrested for assaulting a cop while he's arresting someone? It's not like she was some adjunct lecturer of political science.

HAHAHAHA. Can you imagine the outrage if she was an 'Intersectional Gender Studies' professor?

Gilmore Tuttle (@BulldogsTuttle) ~ Hey, “professor” ...
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Always good to end on a Big Lebowski note.

We're old enough to remember how ecstatic the left was -- and many still are -- about the murder of Ashli Babbitt and the suicide of Matthew Perna, neither of whom even TOUCHED a police officer on Jan. 6, let alone struck one violently on the head.

Caroline Fohlin did far more than either of those two ever did. She got a nice asphalt facial scrub as her stupid prize for playing stupid games.

She should count herself lucky ... and start updating her resume.

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