Forrest Gump was right!
Stupid is as stupid does.
Right on a Ivy league campus it is on full display...
I wouldn't hire one of those obnoxious, self important, punks for any reason.. Nobody with half a brain would either.. If they do this at a University campus one can only imagine what these coddled fit throwing infantile mush heads would do in your organization if they were given a directive they did not happen to like..
I know what the consequences would be if that happened in mine.
For whatever reason these punk kids think they are in charge on the campus.. So far the moron in charge of the campus has allowed them to think that..
What took this so called President so long to end this crap? She should be fired immediately if not sooner.
I would replace her with Ribit so the kids could get an idea of what life on campus will be like with a Marine in charge.
The coddling stops instantly.
OH well. THIS is what is going to be what the so called workforce is made of in a few years?
Maybe they should all fly over and join Hamas in Lebanon or Syria. They like them so much should fit right in..
The Israeli defense forces can use them for target practice..