Iwonder when the class action suits from all the families that lost loved ones as a reaction to JUNGLE JUICE are going to begin their suits against these people?
Bill Gates wa rooting for the deaths because he thinks the population needs to be reduced and openly let's it be known..
I have said several times for him to please set the example and be first... Yet, he is still here on earth.
"People who live in glass houses........" Billy boy..
Birx and FAUCI need to be up on same charges against HUMANITY that the NAZI'S were at Neuremburg..
Executed immediately... Let that lesson sink in to these so called scientists and lab rats who are greedy money mongers putting peoples lives at risk for their economic benefit..
It don't get much worse than that...
Put em in a jungle and I'll go hunt them like VC. ONly I will only wound them and after that use my Knife to carve them while they are alive...
I normally am a gentle soul but this really just pizzes me off and would gladly volunteer to be a BUG exterminator...