just another example of Biblical truth.. ENVY and Greed and Strife are all described in scripture as things that GOD warned us about. Christ specifically spoke about these things when HE was with us..
IT has a name..
Real Christians are NOT to be wrapped up in them. If we do we are to confess them to HIM and ask Forgiveness and a change of heart. THAT is called "repentence", a changing of the mind in a 180 degree turnabout NOT to be repeated again.
One must have, no exceptions, the Spirit of God dwelling within them in order to have The Spirit convict us through our conscience that we were wrong and need to forsake that and get right with HIM.
Resentment and hatred and living to create chaos and LIE are all signs that person is NOT indwelled by Christ and not one of God's children.
That is the what Satan does. So they are in fact a child of the Devil and NOT of Christ.. Two polar opposites.
Here is an interetsing comparision..
Jesus is GOD manifest in the Fleshly body..
Satan is a real highest order being GOD created who thought to overthrow God in Heaven and was cast down to earth, to be here the remainder of time. He is called The GOD of this world.
He has no power over those INDWELLED with the SPIRIT (Holy Spirit) of God..
So our "hearts" and desires will be toward the fulfilling of our thoughts. Our very HEARTS and WILLS are controlled either by SATAN or by the Holy Spirit..
Its pretty easy to tell which is controlling people.
Our outward words and actions reveal what is on the "inside".
So most of these left wing whack jobs words demonstrate where their hearts are by their words and that what they desire to DO is anathema to God's desires and HIS will.
In short, one cannot have deeds that are ungodly and the person be a child of God.. If there is no remorse and change from their wick ways they are not of God but are a tool being used by Satan himself.
Scripture declares that in the latter days men and women will be lovers of themselves more than of God. That shows what is ins their hearts. These are pretenders and imposters... Your deeds and actions will show what is in our hearts..
The left mostly stands for things that are ANTI Christ and HIS words and Teachings.
THIS is the age of LAODICEA and is the final curtain before the Second Coming of Christ. almost ALL Biblical Scholars agree on this.. The signs of the times are abundant and apparent so it isn't going to get any better.
Because of this , as the Bible clearly proclaims,
EVEN SO, Come Quickly Lord Jesus..
I am looking forward to flying upward thru the air to meet HIM in the clouds and go to HIS Heaven where He has prepared a place for me and all who have taken HIM as Savior and Lord.
That time is not very far away....