Replies to Msg. #1243703
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53908 Re: Stephen Hawking once gave a simple answer as to whether there was a God
   Micro > Giants. Plenty of Giant races of people described in the Scrip...
Zimbler0   6TH POPE   05 Jun 2024
2:54 AM
53882 Re: Stephen Hawking once gave a simple answer as to whether there was a God

Genesis 6:4
Numbers 13: 33
Deuternomy 2:11,20

Joshua 12: 4
15: 8

Deuternomy 3: 11 describes the BED of the King of Bashan, whose name was OG.

For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of giants; behold, his bedstead was a bedstead of iron; is it not in Rabbath of the children of Ammon? nine cubits was the length thereof, and four cubits the breadth of it, after the cubit of a man. 

1611 KJV

When an eye witness measures and records the BED size of The King of a country whose armies he just defeated in battle and records it, ya can pretty much believe it.

A CUBIT is approximately 18 inches.

Scripture is replete with accounts of "Giants".

Look at the account of David who killed Goliath.
Goliath wasn't named that by accident. Another of the race of Giant people that existed.

I would call 7 foot plus high people giant..

Albert sounds like the typical non-believer looking to discredit the recorded WORDS of God..

Psalms 12: 6 says:


The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 

Lots of people in history ave tried to discredit the scriptures which were kept by scribes and rabbis thru out the ages even thru the Dark ages when evil forces tried to wipe out God's Word. The underground French monks hid it and kept it until that period was ended..

Albert Einstein found out whether GOD was real a long time ago.

Though he was worldly brilliant, he was spiritually dead.

It requires the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD to to make alive your Spirit. (Quicken is the word used in scripture) IT get transformed from being dead to to God unto something that is made alive and thriving..

Sorry for the lengh.

Just another day of another non-beliver trying to discredit the authenticity of the Words Preserved by God
over millenia. Amazing how they are still around is it not?

Satan cannot get rid of it so he does the next best thing. He makes umpteen versions of it. all different with changes of wording, one even calling JOSEPH the father of Jesus.. it's called Deception of the believers.

SO, Albert was a fool like most are when it comes to the existence of GOD and HIS Lordship over ALL, no exceptions. He is either LORD or He is not.