the question begs what is the Catholic Church POOP doing at a world politician meeting ?
WHY were not leaders of all the other various non-Catholic Churches there?
Hate to break the news to old Francie boy but my dog knows more Bible than he does.
Is he trying to be relevant for something?
JMO but Francie should stick to studying the scriptures and telling more people about the Love of Christ and the FREE pardon of sin HE alone has to offer them..
ANYBODY want to guess what and who the GREAT WHORE in Revelation is????? It's going to be dealt with by God.
Many "religious appearing" types of people are described in scripture as "having an appearance of godliness BUT denying (thru their words and deeds) the powers thereof".
It was Rome itself who was responsible for the Dark Ages.
It was Martin Luther who broke from the Catholic Church and made the scriptures available to ALL People . Of course Gutenberg and his printing press could print copies of scriptures to be distributed to all people so they could have for themselves a copy of scripture. And so the yoke was broken. ALL people could read the Scriptures themselves and see what God's Word really says .
To say I have no regard for any Pope ever would be an understatement. CHRIST ALONE is the Head of the Church.
And PEOPLE have direct access to that throne of Grace and Mercy thru prayer directly to the ONE who loves us and gave Himself for US on that Cross. Holy and divine blood was shed for an eternal offering there for our sins.
The SACRIFICE that was required was accomplished by God the SON on our behalf for the forgiveness and remission of our sins.
NO POPE ever can do that. ONLY Christ.. AND Christ is available to every man and woman without anything else but a contrite heart. HE HEARS every one of us..
The CHURCH in Rome is called The GREAT WHORE in scripture. There's a reason for that..
I would have fellowship with any person who has a personal relationship with Christ. Real believers can tell fakes easily because of the indwelling Spirit in us.. ALL true believers have the Holy Spirit of God indwelling us and guiding us unto all truth.
We do not have any orders or commands to follow some poop . Only Christ.. ALL POWER resides in HIM and HIM alone from the Father.. FEAR HIM who has power over LIFE and death. HE alone sacrificed HIMSELF and allowed HOLY BLOOD to be shed as a SIN offering unto GOD for the sins of the whole world.
HE said "come unto me". NOT come to Francies poo. Not come to some preacher.
COME UNTO ME. I will give you rest.
As you cansee, nothing quite galls mem ore than FAKE representatives of CHRIST when CHRIST died so we could have DIRECT ACCESS TO HIM.. NOT thru some Pope.
The HOLY SPIRIT is the MEDIATOR between GOD and MAN.
NOT POOP Francie.. or amy of his predecessors.
IGNORANCE of the Scriptures and keeping them from the people is how stuff like this happens..
Francie boy is going to give an account to GOD HIMSELF of why he was trying to USURP the place of JESUS CHRIST who gave direct access to HIMSELF by HIS finished work on the Cross..