He is indeed in stage four.
VERY CLOSE to stage 5 of a seven stage Dementia system.
Irritable and angry are key traits. More pronounced. Unawareness, inability to reason or think quickly and even the physical aspects like walking.
I saw all of this firsthand for five years with my own father. The angry stage will eventually give way to the childlike stage.
It is a debilitating horrible thing to watch a loved one go through because they were not like that all of your life.
Helpless and mentally senile is not a good place to be and I pray I do not wind up there also.
MY memory is not the best anymore. I hate it and am concerned over it as I was almost photographic in my memory for a very long time and could speed read and retain over 95% of what I read quickly.
It's why I never needed books to bring home and study for exams. If I saw it on notes or blackboards or on paper I retained.
THIS is going away. I recognize it and it kinda bothers me.
BIDEN SHOULD BE DECLARED by the WHITE HOUSE PHYSICIAN to be mentally unfit for the office of President.
The doctor is not doing his job and it would be good for both the patient as well as the country..