sorry for delay guys.
I had to be the grillmaster and my daughter and her family plus my grandson's fiance came over for a cookout.
I remembered where Moochelle said that.
It was in a college paper she wrote. It was discovered before the first election of Barry Soetoro and then Obammy had all access to anything any of the Marxist twins shut down to anyone so it could not be used against them.
The Mooch actually wrote it in a paper is what I recall and when access to that was attempted it was off limits.
Ol Moochelle was quite the anti-American stooge except for all the benefits she got from living here.
I observed as much as she hated this country she never moved or left and now they infest Martha's Vineyard.
Yep, it looks like things have really been bad for the loudmouth anti-American Mooch-elle.