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Msg. 55095 of 60008
(This msg. is a reply to 55073 by Beldin) |
I do not see how the grant application could be denied or shouhld be denied either for Houston's grid to be improved and made more "weather" resistant. What I do NOT understand is why would a city that lies directly in the path of many weather events coming on shore from the GULF not have been a tad more deep in thought about the amount of strong winds and weather activities that it would be subject to? It seems like there wasn't very much thought put into this to begin with.. I have nothing against Houston or any other cities that are subject to major weather events but they all should have known power lines are always going to be an issue above ground hanging in the air when yearly strong storms come ashore and ravage them time after time after time.. We're always replacing the same things for the same events and reasons. No offense to Texas as a whole but seems like those utilities in Texas aren't the sharpest knives in the drawers... I mean, the same thing happens almost year after year after year..... What's the definition of insanity again please? MAybe some better thought should be put into this. Just my thoughts.. No offense to the cities affected by natural storms and disasters. But preparedness for something you KNOW is coming is a requisite, not something to think about.. |
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