Msg. 55284 of 60008 (This msg. is a reply to
55274 by
Perhaps nit picking ... but are you SURE of your facts.
A ladder, REALLY ?
We have seen MANY reference to people seeing the kid CLIMBING up to the roof - but only a couple of news reports reference 'a ladder'.
OK - If there WAS a ladder there (an extremely obvious security risk) then two BIG questions.
1. Then why was cop who 'climbed' up there standing on another cops shoulders, and pulling himself up onto the roof (thus justifying not having his gun already out) ?
2, WHY are there no PUBLISHED photos of said ladder ? There are photos of damn near everything else. Maybe I just missed em.
DE - the photo/screen grab of the kid's 'anti fascist' registration on that arcane webb site - second time I'v seen that. I believe it, very important piece of info.
Do you have any bonafides on that shot that we can be sure it's for real.
Antifa is a non-fbi-declared 'domestic terrorism organization' (along with BLM - remember the Dallas BLM assassinations ?) - and I can easily see the FBI suppressing an antifa connection to the kid. The media, FBI, and DOJ have ALL gone out of their way NOT to legimately put these groups on terror watch lists.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...
Democrat mega-donor Reid Hoffman’s top political advisor, Dmitri Mehlhorn, demonstrates the utter depravity of the Left. And it’s not just today’s Left. It goes back to the days of the Revolution. Before I get into that, I must put Mehlhorn front and center.
This should tell us all we need to know about the Left. They are sold out to evil. Their first reaction is to blame Trump rather than the evildoer, the shooter. Even though Mehlhorn claimed to be speaking from “the facts,” it’s obvious from his admission of bias that it was an emotional response. I can’t even credit it with being an “assessment.” It reveals the depth of his ignorance about guns and his utter disregard for the lives of those who were killed and seriously wounded.
Let’s look at some facts. First, the shooter used an AR15 that his father purchased over a decade ago. We don’t know any details, but a good AR15 can shoot “minute of angle” groups. Anyone shopping for rifles will see that language in the advertising. It means that three shots fired from a cold barrel by a good marksman at one hundred yards will be no more than one inch apart. Very shortly after the event, the Secret Service reported that the shots were fired from 150 yards, meaning that the group would be an inch and a half across.
Now, suppose that a good shooter attempted to “wing” Trump at that distance. If the shot had been three-quarters of an inch to the shooter’s right, Trump would be dead. The same distance left, and there would not be a mark on him. By the way, Trump was moving around, so even that inch and a half is much larger. Even snipers would have great difficulty making such a calculated non-fatal shot in those conditions. The “facts” are totally against Mehlhorn. He threw that language in to give his press buddies talking points to slander Trump. By the time he semi-retracted this, we knew that the shooter was kicked off his high school shooting team because he was such a bad shot.
Mehlhorn is so consumed by evil that he can’t even pause to reflect before spewing hate. Even Sleepy Joe’s first comment was that he wasn’t going to make any detailed comment until he had further information. He actually got something right.
Let’s translate this. We got together and decided that what I said didn’t look good. We must make a politically correct semi-retraction so that the media can forget what I said and put it behind us. My BFF Reid Hoffman put one out (at 12:44), so I will, too.
During the Revolutionary era, there was a strong sentiment on our side of the pond that we should be more like the French. Even Thomas Jefferson was somewhat taken in by the French revolutionary movement (the actual revolution started in 1789).
By the time of Washington’s administration (1789-1797), there were active protests outside his residence calling for him to be guillotined. Aaron Burr, a devoted Leftist, managed to get a major New York statute passed without anyone reading it and used the resulting bank as his personal slush fund to try to steal the 1800 election using the same methods Democrats used in 2020. And there hasn’t ever been an honest election in New York City.
This evil has always been with us. The current evolution of it is being exposed by citizen reportage. That’s why the Left is so obsessed with “disinformation” or “misinformation.” As long as we can take charge of information, we have the tools to overcome the brute force of the Left. And we cannot give them the benefit of any doubt. They would like to be the Borg, so that we will be assimilated and they will be supreme. No free thinking or free life is to be tolerated.
Left-wingers killed Presidents McKinley and Lincoln. JFK was likely a victim of the Left-wing Deep State. The assailants of Garfield, Jackson, Ford, and Reagan were mentally disturbed. At present, we don’t know much about this shooter. But one thing is clear. The Secret Service has been infected with the Leftist woke virus, where identity is more important than competence. That’s almost certainly how that rooftop and ladder were available to the shooter. The Left’s response is at most pro forma and will shortly be followed with a resumption of violent rhetoric and actions to encourage its physical manifestations.
The real regret of the Left is that the shooter missed and that his misses only killed one and critically wounded two other Trump supporters. The only question is whether enough of us are willing to see clearly and act to restore freedom to America.
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