OCU is still smarting from the Raging Bull days.
He made the ASSININE statement that the U.S. did not ever legitimately declare war on Japan and Germany in WWII.
I called out his stupidity, immediately, with pictures and links to "Declaration(s) of War" passed by Congress.
That shut him up pretty well for a while.
Ever since, haven't really bothered to read much of anything he posts - either there or here on AB's.
He isn't worth listening to, or talking with. One very ignorant and self-righteous prick.
He REALLY got roasted on RB when he tried to brag about his 2-3% giving level to his church.
Like I said; OCU is a self-righteous prick, one who even 'praised' his son's CRIMINAL activity while serving in the U.S. Military in Alaska.