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Re: Joe gets t shirt 

By: micro in 6TH POPE | Recommend this post (1)
Mon, 22 Jul 24 1:49 PM | 23 view(s)
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Msg. 55572 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 55555 by ribit)

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I wondered where that shirt got to!

Could you please send it back to me sire?

I would like to sit and have my misses "fetch me" some ham sammiches wif turkey on em as well, and be able to relax every now and then.. She thought I wuz gonna go outside and dig around the shrub beds this weekend..

I laid the spades on the ground and my grandson came over and we provided gas and spending money for him...

What is wrong with her??? lol!!!!! Working is something I hire people to do for the last 50 years.. I would have thought she would have known that by now....... Laughing Cheesy Grin

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Joe gets t shirt
By: ribit
Sun, 21 Jul 24 11:26 PM
Msg. 55555 of 60014

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