Have watched that clip several times.
I do NOT think the ad is 'brutal'.
It speaks only to those that are already convinced that those are horrid positions - NOT to those that are on the 'other' side or 'undecided'.
If anything, that ad is going to be excellent for the HARD CORE LEFT - they will love it. It 'supports' all the things that they are looking for.
Much better approach is to go after her on her criminal actions as the AG in San Francisco - how she CRIMINALLY obstructed and bribed 'for the state' witnesses - withheld evidence, and other malfeasance - and how she has funded the VIOLENT RIOTS after the Floyd death (by getting those involved released from jail) and how those same funds have been used to release OTHER very violent criminals.
In other words ... DESTROY THIS BS FASCADE OF A SO CALLED GREAT PROSECUTOR that the media is currently peddling.
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...