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Re: "I did not know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now wants to be known as Black" Trump said. 

By: weco in FFT4 | Recommend this post (2)
Thu, 01 Aug 24 5:25 AM | 27 view(s)
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Msg. 12513 of 15238
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Another perspective from another poster:

The video of this 35 minute appearance should be required viewing. It reflects all of the Trump trademarks.

The first question asked him why black voters should consider voting for him after he has pushed false claims about rivals like Nikki Haley and Barack Obama, has told black Congresswomen who were born in America to "go back where they came from" and used words like animal and rabid to describe black district attorneys.

His first words of response: "I don't think I have ever been asked a question in such a horrible manner." Later in that first answer... "Are you with ABC? Because I think they are a fake news network...."

The second question asked him if he thought comments from Republican leaders about Kamala Harris being a "DEI hire" were appropriate.

Trump's first reaction was to ask the reporter to define her terms. Of course, that at first might SOUND like a clever politician ensuring any purposeful / tricky ambiguity on the part of the reporter is clarified before diving in. Of course, it might also double as an attempt for Trump to hear a few more buzzwords -- "diversity, equity, inclusion" -- to find the right sound byte because he couldn't remember the meaning of the DEI acronym.

The reporter simply spelled out DEI as diversity, equity and inclusion and repeated her question.

IMMEDIATELY, Trump's tone switched. He basically said he wasn't sure, he's known Kamala at a distance for a while but not closely but she used to strongly identify as Indian then suddenly, "she went black a few years ago," saying the word "black" with the same strange, sarcastic lilt he uses for trigger words in stump speeches. He rambled on that path for 40-50 seconds and the reporter re-posed her question again. At that point, he attacked the reporter and claimed the event started 35 minutes late because "you couldn't get your equipment to work" and "it was a very nasty question" and "it's a disgrace."

In short, the fact that

b) who was BLACK
c) and a WOMAN
d) asked him a TOUGH QUESTION

literally pissed him off and triggered his classic angry response.

The next question was a softball posed by Harris Faulkner from Fox about inflation and its impacts on the black community. Faulkner's question included a lot of detailed facts and figures (of questionable validity but that's not important to this point...) but was long enough it should have given Trump time to think, re-organize his thoughts, pick out something from Faulkner's question to tie to a previously memorized talking point and go from there.

Instead, Trump began talking over Faulkner towards the end of her question, claiming audio problems were preventing him from hearing everything she said and making it difficult to understand her question. Then... He pivoted by stating the audio problems were due to the fact that clearly the first reporter didn't know anything about setting up a stage. As if ANY of the reporters on the stage were responsible for the "roadie" work to set up the venue.

Why would anyone assume that? If they do, they're an idiot and likely expressing some inner bigotry along the lines of "you can't be on stage as a deserving reporter suitable for interview ME, you must be the help." If he knows better, it doesn't actually help his case because it demonstrates his inability to compartmentalize and MOVE ON. He cannot let go of any perceieved offense, no matter how slight or imaginary.

Based on opening remarks, this appearance was scheduled to last one hour. The exact scheduled start and end times of this event are not clear, it isn't clear if the event did start on time or late and it isn't clear what the sound quality was like on stage. The sound quality of the video clip was not good but video quality is not synonymous with house audio quality. What IS clear from the video is that Trump cannot "perform" in any unscripted setting, especially one involving those not 100% aligned with his twisted reality, without converting independent qestioning into "attacks" which then tie to his deeply seated and barely disguised contempt for pretty much anyone who isn't him. His handlers seemed to recognize this and signaled to the producers they were yanking their candidate off the stage after 35 minutes.

We need to do the same in November.

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The above is a reply to the following message:
Re: “I did not know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now wants to be known as Black,” Trump said.
By: weco
in FFT4
Thu, 01 Aug 24 1:06 AM
Msg. 12512 of 15238

Wow, what a trainwreck. Trump's handlers ended the hour-long interview by a panel of three journalists, all black women, at today’s National Association of Black Journalists and pulled him off stage at 35 minutes.

Here's one of his answers. Is it racist, misogynistic or both?

REPORTER: "Some of your own supporters, including republicans on Capitol Hill, have labeled Vice President Harris , the first Black and Asian American woman to serve on a major party ticket, as a DEI hire. Would you tell your supporters to stop it?"

TRUMP: "How do you define DEI?"

REPORTER: Diversity, equity, and inclusion."

TRUMP: "Is that your definition? Could you give me a definition?"

REPORTER: I am asking you a question, a very direct question."

TRUMP: "Define it for me."

REPORTER: "I just defined it for you. Do you believe that Kamala Harris is only on the ticket because she is a black woman?"

TRUMP: "Now it is a little bit different. I have known her a long time, indirectly, not directly very much, and she was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. i did not know she was Black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black. is she Indian or is she Black?"

REPORTER: "She has always identified as Black. She went to a Black college."

TRUMP: "She obviously does not. She was Indian all the way, and all of a sudden, she made a turn and became a Black person. I think somebody should look into that, when you ask -- you continue in a very hostile --"

The interview went rapidly and seriously downhill. The audience groaned at his answers.

Whoever advised him to accept the interview, thank you so much. The Harris campaign has weeks worth of gold to mine for ads.

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