Trump had better do a MUCH better job in choosing OUR next Attourney General. He struck out last term.
First: Jeff Sessions - whom I STRENUOUSLY OPPOSED for the exact reasons shown in CTJ's video - you really do need to watch that. Sessions ENDORSED and IMPLEMENTED strong 'assett forfeiture' - UNCONSTITUTIONALLY. No conviction and you still lose everything and NEVER get it back, or it costs you a fortune. I wrote to BOTH Sen. Cruz and Sen Cornyn immediately upon Session's nomination STRONGLY OPPOSING HIM FOR A.G. because Sessions had so damn little regard for the Bill of Rights and true 'due process'.
The second mistake was taking Bushies advice for Sessions replacement. A guy with BIG WORDS and ZERO action on the attempted insurrection and overthrow of a duly elected President by ØFeuhrer/Clinton acolytes - and gave us Willie Durham who 'investigated' for FOUR YEARS and did diddly squat despite finding RAMPANT CORRUPTION in the guvmint. One pissant conviction - the rest skated without even slaps on the wrist. So much for Bill Barr - what a devious puhtz he is.