I did NOT know that, but am not surprised. Lots of Halliburton 'contractors' were horribly executed in Iraq, so the same in Afghanistan should have been expected.
I still claim that the turnover of Afghanistan to the Taliban by Brandon was NOT incompetence. It was 100% intentional and deliberately done to enrich Brandon.
My little brother (an expert in this stuff) says the armaments left behind were worthless to China .... "The Chinese have perfectly good helicopters of their own. They didn't need ours." BUT - the Taliban did not, and now are the largest exporter of illegal arms to others.
WHAT the Chinese DID want was for the Taliban to be in power - because they (the Chinese) could negotiate very favorable terms from the Taliban for access to the abundant minerals in Afghanistan (like copper).
AND THAT IS WHERE BRANDON GOT HIS KICKBACKS FROM and why he deliberately installed the TALIBAN in power before the US left.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good ...