Absolutely spot on De.
Truth is, Walz isn't the first one to claim he was in the military to impress someone or or group of people even though they weren't.
Except for an occasional post about what being under fire is actually like due to the subject matter, I don;t talk about it because its ancient history.
We live in this day. Tomorrow if the Lord gives us one, is a different day. One day at a time.
Ribit may have some interesting thoughts as well but really, unless I am trying to give a little reality about being in the military, I rarely if ever talk about it even with my family.. It's ancient history and we live in the day we have be given from on high.
Tim Walz is just one among many massholes who try to pretend to be something they are not..
When I am out and about nobody knows my past and they don't want to or need to.. It is ancient history...
We live in the day, not the past.
Off of my soapbox now.....