Replies to Msg. #1249767
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57712 Re: No Offense, but Atheism Is a Really Stupid Philosophy
   Zim can you find some reasonable explanation as to how and why only...
micro   6TH POPE   04 Sep 2024
3:05 PM
57701 Re: No Offense, but Atheism Is a Really Stupid Philosophy
I think of myself as being an Agnostic. I can't prove there is no God but then any 'miracle' a True Believer might believe could also be explained by space aliens with super advanced technologies. To put it more bluntly 'They' can not undeniably prove there is a God.

I can 'see' in my minds eye how YUGE clouds of hydrogen and various dusts can come together to form galaxies, solar systems, planets, moons, etc. etc. etc.

I can 'see' in my minds eye how various long chain molecules could form and eventually evolve into the creatures we find ourselves surrounded with. Did God do it? Mother Nature? Evolution?

Isaac Asimov wrote a book titled 'The Tragedy of the Moon'. It's been a long time since I read it, but I do have it. If I remember correctly he postulated that without our oversized moon life might not have arisen on this planet.

But another problem I have with this author is that it appears (to me) that he believes a whole lot of people just have to believe the same way he thinks they do . . . and that just is not so.



Mad Poet Strikes Again.