Replies to Msg. #1250024
 Msg. #  Subject Posted by    Board    Date   
57838 Re: Mugshot of school shooter..
   After every school shooting Democrats demand a ban on guns. If they we...
CTJ   6TH POPE   07 Sep 2024
2:00 AM
57834 Re: Mugshot of school shooter..
   ...if his paw had taken him to the NTC for proper treatment things wou...
ribit   6TH POPE   07 Sep 2024
12:03 AM

The above list shows replies to the following message:

Re: Mugshot of school shooter..

Fri, 06 Sep 24 11:48 PM
Msg. 57831 of 60014
(This msg. is a reply to 57822 by CTJ)
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Colin Gray, Colt's father, reportedly told the Jackson County Sheriff's office

last year that his son was bullied at school for being gay. 

"It was very difficult for him to go to school and not get picked on," he said.

"It went from one thing to another... I was trying to get him on the golf team... [they were like] 'Oh, look, Colt's gay. He's dating that guy. Just ridiculed him day after day after day.'"

During the same interview, Colin Gray said his son "gets flustered and under pressure" and "doesn't really think straight."